Vision Objectives

About the University

It is one of the private university institutions in Syria with an independent legal personality and an independent legal status. It was established in 2021 AD and its main and official headquarters is in the city of Azaz, northwest of the city of Aleppo. It has an environment that stimulates innovation, produces frameworks, and manufactures leaders and competencies in various specializations.

The university aims to ensure that young people receive good education during times of conflict and war and to ensure that there is a sufficient number of leadership cadres to lead governmental and private institutions in the country to achieve renaissance and development and serve Syria by preparing graduates scientifically, academically and culturally to be able to assume responsibility in serving the country by providing them with academic education accompanied by professional qualification and training courses that will best prepare the student for the labor market. The university also provides a great opportunity for students who have dropped out of their studies at universities due to the consequences of the events that Syria has gone through in recent years by helping them complete their studies in the same specialization and under easy conditions.



Al-Zaytoonah International University, as a private Syrian university, seeks to be a leading and distinguished institution in higher education and scientific research, and to be a platform for transferring knowledge, values ​​and traditions at the regional and international levels, and to apply the quality and standard standards approved locally and globally, and to direct a large portion of its teaching and research interests to serve the community.



Al-Zaytoonah International University seeks to implement high-quality study plans and programs to prepare distinguished graduates to meet the needs of society. It also seeks to establish a strong nucleus for scientific research that supports cognitive progress and participates in addressing societal issues.



Providing a distinguished scientific environment for faculty members and university students.
Implementing constantly updated study plans in line with global scientific developments.
Providing all human, material and organizational requirements to ensure the smooth running of the educational process.
Developing students’ applied skills.
Providing material and moral encouragement for academically distinguished students.
Selecting the best members of the teaching and technical staff to perform educational work in the best possible way.
Supporting scientific research and conducting research within specialized research units, and providing material and moral encouragement for publication in prestigious international journals.
Giving scientific research that serves the purposes and needs of society the necessary attention.
Applying quality standards and procedures through the Total Quality Management (TQM) project, and obtaining local and international accreditation.
Partnering with reputable international universities, and exchanging professors, students and expertise.